traditions food
27 Aug

Cultural Heritage and Traditional Food

Traditions and customs vary from country to country, region to region depending on the cultural heritage transmitted through generations. Traditional Food is an important guide to know the cultural heritage of people in any country , the way they eat food and what they prefer to eat of the best ways to know them, and knowledge of traditional food etiquette to let you know their nature and traditions inherited from their ancestors, one's eating habits may be peculiar to another… hospitality and food habits vary from place to place… each depending on the cultures and traditions inherited… and you may recognize The food and cultural heritage of a country and be a familiar place for you through a person from the same country living the same habits of his country in the way of eating and hospitality to others and his concept and beliefs about different types of their traditional food. There are countries that use sticks to eat, others use their hands, and some are keen to use a fork and knife, and may even discover some facts about one of them by displaying the contents of his refrigerator or examining his favorite snacks.Some countries rely more on vegetables than meat; some countries place pastries on their main menu; others put seafood on top of their travels, while in many countries they prefer meat. There is nothing wrong with having food that you will read about and never heard of in many places around the world.

Since some of us at this time of year prefer traveling in many countries around the world not only to visit sightseeing but also to try other countries traditional food, Food tourism and culture became a new global trend. we liked to show you  many strange food heritage of all the world, ranging from eating fish eyes to eating worms, and many other things that may be a kind The hospitality of some cultures, while others may consider them strange and unusual. Also Food etiquette is an important subject that we have learned almost everywhere, at home, at school and among friends and family. It is known that these manners and customs differ from one city to another in the same country so what different from one country to another; The habits of the people wherever he goes, this saves him from embarrassing situations and helps to make friends between him and others, and in a better understanding of the nature of the people and local culture, and get him out of classification as a foreign tourist in a foreign country.

We will represent some Exampels:-

Japanese food sticks:

Japanese people use fine sticks to eat their food, and it is a famous practice in Japan that they do not allow them to go beyond putting these sticks parallel to the edge of the table in front of you during chewing.And they do not allow guests or tourists to break this rule if they use sticks in their meals, so Be careful not to bother them by placing sticks vertically in the rice dish while chewing.

Your left hand in India:

Our rules in the east are not to use the left hand in food either if it is traditional food or international food as long as they are not left-handed.This rule intensifies and hardens a lot in some areas of southern India, where it is not allowed to put the left hand on the table while eating, and consider this behavior carries some purity according to their beliefs If the person is left-handed, the base is completely different and he is not allowed to touch the table with his right hand.

Respect adults in Korea:

In Korea, if someone gives you a drink, you should hold it with both hands, and never use one hand to get it.Also, you should not start eating food before the biggest ones on the table start eating, because this in Korean culture is a sign of respect for the elderly and giving them their place.

Georgia and Traditional Banquets:

In Georgia, if you receive an invitation to what we call a "traditional feast," know that it does not contain a lot of food, but mainly contains wine and toast and the invitee must drink the full cup at once, and not download it only after the completion of it completely.

There is no cappuccino in the afternoon and no parmesan is required in Italy:

In Italy there is a famous habit of cappuccino drink, they do not drink it in the afternoon at all, they say that drinking cappuccino late in the day may hurt the stomach so you will not see the Italians drink cappuccino at cafes after three o'clock.

As for the parmesan, some consider the parmesan cheese on the pizza as a big mistake, such as putting fish on a platter of fine chocolate! Parmesan is not served with a number of traditional pasta dishes, and according to some experience if you are not served with parmesan, do not order.

Bread at your table in France:

There are a lot of European countries that use bread as an appetizer eaten before food, but in France it is used with food and specifically with cheese as a popular meal, as we do in the Middle East, there are also not put bread in a dish but prefer to put it on the dining table directly.

In China do not flip the fish

It is common in China and Hong Kong regarding fish.When one side of the fish is finished, do not flip it on the other side.This is a sign of misfortune.Fishers once thought that the heart of the fish would overturn their fishing boat and continued with this habit to this day.

Do not eat fork tacos in Mexico:

One popular Mexican traditional food is tacos, which is a bread rolled in a certain way on the stuffing inside, but watch out as Mexicans consider that using a fork and knife to eat tacos is a kind of arrogance, so if you decide to eat with them you should stick With their habits and you eat with your hand.

Food circles in Brazil:

In Brazil there is a strange system in some restaurants; there are no names for meals but all are symbols, and in front of each symbol two circles, one green and the other red You must mark the green circle if you want this category, and the red circle if you do not want.

Nowadays, it is rare to find someone to eat with his hand, but in some Arab and Indian peoples it is still a common practice to eat by hand. In Germany, the only meal you are allowed to eat is bread. In Chile, you never use your hands to eat.

There are another habites in eating :-

There are dishes that are eaten only by hand, and we do in fine restaurants as well, who likes to eat pizza or burger with a fork and knife! To eat by hand some of the benefits of touching eating by hand before reaching the mouth, sends nerve messages to the brain carrying information about the nature of the material made of it and its density and heat, sending the brain in turn messages to the digestive system in order to prepare the appropriate digestive juices.

Other than that eating by hand helps to focus on the content of eating and awareness of the amount of food that enters the body, the brain sends a message of satiety to the body, and it becomes harder when using spoons, so eating by hand helps to control the amount and content of eating to a high degree.

 There are people who use the stick to eat. In Japan, they use the stick in food, which is one of their sacred objects and no one is allowed to bypass the habit at all. Tourists break this rule if they use sticks to eat their meals, so be careful not to bother them by placing the sticks vertically in the rice dish while chewing

In China, they never go out with sticks at all times… and sticking chopsticks into a rice dish is unforgivable in China. In addition, be careful not to wave the chopsticks or refer to anyone through them, this lack of respect for them.


There are some people eager to eat with a spoon, fork and knife… But we find that there are some special habits in some countries, for example in Thailand do not use the fork in eating, they are intended to put food on the spoon, not to put in the mouth to eat.

In general, there are many other customs, including: -

In France: you should slow down and listen to the music before eating… It is not allowed to eat the food directly, it is inappropriate to rush and eat it quickly… You should not leave leftovers in the dish because this means you did not enjoy the meal.

In Italy: Italy is one of the countries known for excellence in culinary arts and is an insult to the chef when ordering more cheese on the food.There is a very famous habit of cappuccino drink, they do not drink it in the afternoon and drink on cafes in the morning only.

In Sweden: most eat breakfast fish eggs (caviar) with boiled eggs, a habit struck deep in their history and linked to the Swedish tradition Sweden is ranked second in the world after Finland in terms of per capita consumption of coffee Perhaps the most reinforcing habit of coffee is a tradition called fika (Coffee break) - When friends, family members or co-workers meet around a cup of coffee or tea, often freshly baked pastries are served during the coffee break.

In Korea: You should not start eating before the oldest on the table begins to eat, because this in Korean culture is evidence of respect for the elderly and give them their place ... If someone gave you a drink you should hold it with both hands, and can never use one hand to get on him .

In the UK: One thing that the expatriate needs to adapt to Britain at the workplace is the tradition of tea and biscuits. There is a fixed time every day. Employees stop working to enter tea time. The British are really interested in the daily cup of tea, which is common among all ages, and at all ages. Fields of work approx.

In the Arab region: Arabic coffee is considered one of the most popular drinks in the Arab countries and coffee drinking habits in some Arab countries, especially in the Gulf region that the host continues to pour coffee in the guest cup as soon as he finishes drinking the cup, unless the guest shaking the cup as a sign of Thanks to the host and his feeling full and not wanting to drink more coffee.

The interpretation of an empty dish varies: from country to country, in some countries such as India and Japan, it is important to finish the dish to the last bite to let the host know that you liked the food. In China, this is an insult to the people of the house because they will consider that the amount they provide is insufficient.

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